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Friends of Sweet Buzz

Sweet Buzz is associated with the following groups, people, venues and organizations


Sweet Buzz would like to acknowledge 

our previous drummer Chris Dousset for

all his work with the band and wish him all

the best with his future endeavors. Thanks for the work mate!

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Sweet Buzz (Alternative musicians)

On occasion Sweet Buzz needs to call on some help.


We'd like to thank Jordan (trombone), Alistair (bass) and Katja (flute and saxophone), and David Ashfield (Trombone) for helping us be Sweet Buzz and not a sweet mess.


Way back in the start of Sweet Buzz in 2017, Jane Still was a big part of the idea of putting this band together as our vocalist and clarinetist. After six amazing years with the band Jane decided to take a step back. Thankyou to Jane for all you've contributed to the band! 

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